Friday 3 April 2009

End of Module evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I feel I have developed illustrative skills in a style, which I am comfortable in using. I used to initially work with a thick stroke nib pen, but I have found the thinner nib I use, the easier I find to draw. So one some of the later ‘Femme” illustrations I used a 01mm pen to draw them and I found I had much more control.
I have also learnt a lot form Lucy, and how she draws and develops her pieces. I found it very interested simply to watch her and see how she maps the parts of apiece together.

I had never previously used post it notes on selected pages to document, analyse and evaluate – but I found this approach very effective, simple and easy to record the change/development in ideas. I will take this method on in future projects.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I think together we have thoroughly researched our target audience – using a mixture of questionnaire and surveys and looking a popular fashion labels which our target audience consume daily. By looking into this aspect, it helped us focus on colour schemes, image and shape, which our consumers would like to see more of. I would of initially never of gone into so much depth if I was working on my own, and I don’t think Lucy would of either – so we fed of one another in a positive manner.

I will defiantly in projects to come try to consider all aspects which can be researched, and take the moto that there can never be too much reach into your target audience.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

Strengths within my work are layout and juxtaposed images together to make one piece. One of my main jobs with working with Lucy was the layouts of the Kleenex boxes and putting all the parts together onto the nets on the Macs and arranging them in a manner that they would all connect together and work when the box was constructed.
Overall I really enjoyed this, as I do not normally work with purely image and illustration, normally there is text somewhere within the piece and that is what I base the layout around. So it was challenge to visualise the completed box, but I think the designs work well together within each sets.
I am very please with the final context photos which I took, all the boxes look very well presented and blend into there environments which was the plan. They represent the boxes very well.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

Exploit more ideas, with the time which we were given we could of trialled a good 4/5 different set designs and progressed with the interactive designs, which in the crits the majority of people seemed to really like.
So maybe develop more strict time management, in analysing what exactly needs to be done by the end of each week/day.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1.Plan ahead, produce tables and be efficient with our time.
2. Continue to develop my own style of illustration and become more confident and fluent.
3. Exploit more ideas in the time given, and cover a broader range of different medias – more experimental designs as a result.
4. Document the making with more use of photography – improve developmental work.

5. Blog everyday to increase regular posts to inform others what exactly I am doing, instead of leaving it to the last minuet.

Attendance – 3
Punctuality – 4
Motivation – 4
Commitment – 4
Quanity of work produced – 3
Quality of work produced – 3
Contribution to the group - 3