Monday 2 March 2009

YCN breifs

We were asked to select three possiable breifs form YCN which we would like to take further and our reasons as to why, what we could gain and what we could offer. Here are the three briefs which I chose and my reasons:


The prospects that this campaign could have a light humorous tone, not too serious. Interesting to research into the music periods and history of beck brewery and how it supposedly evolved with the music entwined. Young target audience – aimed to draw the audience in.

Experimenting with product placement. Creating dynamic imagery, more mixed media skills pushed/mixed with vector stylish and slick designs.

Working out side my comfort zone, key behind the designs will be forward planning, experimentation with layouts aesthetics.

Endless possibilities, it can be as extreme and extravagate, as you like as long as it draws the audience and engaes/purswades.

‘Bring it to life’ – so develop 3D skills, working on much larger scale than restricting myself to simply A3. Possible instillation work.

Good ideas generation, an eye for seeing how things will fit and work together.

Kleenex (Targeting women)
Re branding the packaging, give me a chance to experiment with my illustration style/improve it.

A stronger illustrations style, packaging designs professionally made, neat, clean cut.

Good understanding of audience, targeting at females, so knowing what the female would want, find attractive. I am the target audience.

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